Monday, May 10, 2010

May Project Freewriting

I'm going to do a GoAnimate project.
I haven't really thought about what kind of story I would write seeing as how I just found out I was going to do this project and it usually takes me awhile to decided what i should write about.
I was thinking that I could maybe do a mini condensed version of the story my group did for the collaborative project, and then maybe change a couple things. It's not really being creative using the same story I guess but it would be interesting to give pictures to the story that my group worked so hard on. I also had to write a story for my creative writing class that happens to be online so I was thinking that I could use the story from there and try to animate it. Again it's not really creative but it would just be intersting to see the story that I wrote in pictures.
When I think about it too, it would be nice to just start over and create a completely new story, one that I haven't written of even thought of it. I would be more intersted in making a sort of thriller story instead of comedy but it seems as if Go Animate focuses more comedy stories than it would on an actual serious, deep, interesting story.
If I was to do the story that I did for the collaborative project, I'd probably have to change a couple things in the plot too. Our story isn't very long and could easily be done within 2 minutes probably but there may be some animations that Go Animate doesn't have.

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