Monday, April 19, 2010

Focus Freewriting Social Media Revolution

Although i thought that the actual video itself was well done, i don't like the message that it talked about. it talks about how we're going through some supposed social revolution that's just as big as the industrial revolution. I like the idea that people can learn information almost instantly, i just don't like the fact that people are replacing human to human contact via in person, with human to human contact via the computer, cell phones, twitter, etc... I think that some of these sites are useful for keeping touch with people but i think that our society is one that is too into getting what they want as soon as they want it. This isn't saying that i'm anti-technology or something, im just saying that i think that the way the world is going, the route of twitter, and facebook, isn't a good one.
it does have it's benefits though. last year during the iranian elections, one of the things that inspired people were all the videos that were being spread through youtube which helped them form protests. i think the same thing could be useful in the Chinese government collapse.

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