Friday, April 23, 2010

Future Of Social Media
I think that this video is something that is really far off from what's going to happen. This video was created in 2007 and already I think it's really outdated. The creator of this video talks about supposedly the tv is dying, which is arguably true but it's not dying at the extreme rate that this guy says it is. I think that tv (or something very similar to it) is going to be around for awhile. Take 3DTV for example. Just this past year many tv companies have begun to release the next generation of tvs and I think that this is the future of television. One thing i do agree with though is that the future is all about experience. The 3DTV is a great example of this and how people will watch 3DTV for a long time. Also he talked about the government is going to make copywrite illegal which i think would be absolutely horrible for a society. Not only would this take the jobs of thousands, if not millions, people would have no incentive to create anything worthwhile if everyone was able to get it for free on the internet.
The author of this also makes it sound like this illegal downloading is something that should be acceptable even though it's costing companies millions of dollars which ultimately lead to less jobs.

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